I shared a beer with Floyd Landis last year at the
Mohican 100 in Loudonville Ohio. There’s the picture to prove it. Still kick myself for not putting on a team jersey, mainly because my baggy shirt makes me look like a fat ass next to him. I zip tied devil horns from a Viking helmet I bought at a rummage sale to my helmet and the photo at the header of this blog appeared in Cycling News because of it. I peed on trees. Hundreds of tricked out bikes surrounded me all weekend. A buddy spent at least an hour and a half debating his tire choice while Trek’s Jeremiah Bishop and his teammates rode past our cabin for a pre-ride. My team, friends from all around Cincinnati, Louisville and Columbus shared tools, tweaked bikes and drank dark beers till well past sundown. We piled 4 guys into the truck at

dawn and drove to the start. A black cat crossed the road in front of us entering Loudonville. I made the road rollout lead group split with the pros. I got a pint glass filled with Sierra Nevada at the finish line. Despite the trough of free food in the lodge, someone had a deep dish Chicago style pizza delivered to the venue. As for the race, like everyone else I spent the day covered in mud in what turned out to be the first sticky hot and humid day of the summer. I overheated between rest stops, slogged up shoe stealing mucky hills, cleaned my bike, took water cooler paper towel baths, nearly dropped out, got encouragement to continue from teammates, felt good for 5 miles, only to repeat the process over and over again for the next eight and a half hours. You’ll

certainly save a coupla Jefferson’s by registering for the
Mohican 100 before the early deadline on February 1st. However, the main reason to sign up now before the price goes up is that there’s really nothing that can happen between now and race day that’ll make the
Mohican 100 more or less fun.
Link to confirmed riders of Mohican 100 here.
have you ever tried a RealRyder? It is the next best thing to being on the road.
www.realryder.com and search YouTube for video.
I'm flattered that you found my blog so popular that you thought it might be a great place to advertise your product.
But, boy do you look silly by not even making the effort to relate your comment to the story at hand.
Here's what I would've wrote, "I'm training for the Mohican 100 right now on my Real Ryder. It's like a spin bike on a coil spring and improves your mountain bike balance like one of those goofy wrought iron animal things you see kids ride on at playgrounds. Check it out here..."
Here's another idea. Send me an email and ask if I'd like to write about your product before taking advantage of my readers by posting what pretty much amounts to an ad on one of their favorite blogs.
that RealRyder thing seems kinda goofy. I'll see you at Mohican, most likely woefully undertrained due to the lack of a RealRyder.
Advise for 2009 Mohican. Don't stress so much over how you look in your photo with some road pro that couldn't even finish the race.
BTW I suspended my commenting for a few days after your Georgia Gould post. Does she really need better podium men than what she had at the USGP?!?!
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