The light at Camargo & Miami in Madiera turned red. I zipped across anyway. I had to take a natural. Sorry, but the laws of nature supersede traffic law. Right officer? I knew this ride wasn’t going to let up for the next hour and the morning coffee was percolating. Between here and the halfway sprint, I could foresee no other points where a pause in the action and a good pee place would intersect. Figuring I had somewhere between 30 and 45 seconds of red light before the group would get back to business, I thought I’d be able to duck behind BioWheels bike shop, take care of business and either jump right back with the group as it passed or, if this were to be a grande natural, at the very least I’d catch ‘em on the descent. I chased the group in full-on flat-backed heart grabbing donkey wheezing mode for the next 10 miles dangling between 50 and 300 meters. I finally caught on in Loveland, only to get popped seconds later as the group punched a big climb at 23mph. Then I spent the next 5-7 miles chasing with a teammate who also got dropped on the climb all because I had to take a pee. Have you seen my critical mistake?
Here’s what it was like from my perspective. Oop, can’t pee here, looks like that’s wood for the shop renovation. How ‘bout here? Nope that’s Mitch’s car. Can the neighbors see? Who cares? Get the front of your bibs down. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Did the light turn yet? Ahhhhh. Ahhhhhhh. Ah. Ah. Ah. Fhew! Tuck in under jersey. Pick up bike. Clip in. Where’d they go? Oh F%^*! They’re halfway down the hill. Tuck and hammer. Oh Sh&* the tracks. Jam on brakes. Cross. Back up to speed. Crap they’re around the corner. Hammer. Just 50 more meters. Ugh, little bastard hill. Dammit 100 meters.
Step 1: Tell group you’re going to go, making this point right in front of the leader or veteran riders. Maybe say something like, “Hey I’m gonna zip up here and take a pee.”
Step 2: Ask a teammate to hold up to help you bridge back on. Maybe say something like, “Can you Andy, Brian and Matt hold up a bit to help me bridge back on, thanks man.”
Step 3: Take natural as quick as possible as waiting friends or teammates dangle off the back of the group.
Step 4: Time trial to your waiting teammates or friends and work together to bridge the rest of the way
Step 5: Return the favor later by keeping a teammate out of the wind or offering up half a Clif bar.
or just learn to pee whilst riding... not such a good idea in heavily populated/residential areas...
Believe it or don't, there are some easy ways to take a nature break without breaking the law. Check out Bob Mionske's Bicycling & the Law, page 94. Bottom line: don't be seen. If you are seen and you get caught, definitely absolutely tell the officer it was an emergency, which set a precedent in a case in Ohio!
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