Dear Ask This Old Bike,
Do you know of anybody that would be interested in this bike? It is (my brother’s) Klein and was bought new for $2000. I could be wrong but thought he said it was a 60 inch frame. I could get more info from him if you want.
Hugs & Kisses,
Your #1 Fan Forever
Dear #1 Fan Forever,
I can ask around and let you know. You’d be looking for someone just getting into cycling…a really tall guy on a budget getting into cycling, like maybe one of the college basketball players whose NBA dreams were crushed in the NCAA tourney last week. This is a 60cm frame. If it was 60 inches, you might have to sell it to Godzilla. Although I can’t see the model name on the top tube, Klien is/was a nice brand. This is a road bike, with time trial bolt-on bar extensions. I’ll guess it’s probably 10-12 years old, judging from the brake/shifters, quill stem, and standardish spoked alloy wheels. Even though it was a relatively decent bike in its day, it shows it’s age and is missing a few parts that could be important to riding a bike, like, uh, pedals and a saddle.
On the plus side: it has middle tier Shimano 105 components, appears to have newer tires, is clean and white (which is very “in” right now like Lady Gaga.) I’d suggest buying a saddle and pedals, even used. Most bike shops have used saddle and pedal bins where you might be able to pick up something cheap. Also, I’d get a bike shop to put some new handlebar tape on it. That faded pink speckled bar tape, although nicely done, is Ugly Betty and very personal. I’d suggest white, black or blue tape (to match the tires). Switching bar tape and finding some used pedals and a saddle is very inexpensive and the money invested would result in a quicker sale and higher price. Lastly, I’d suggest taking the TT bars and elbow cups off. They’ll have no impact on the bottom line sale of the bike and you might get a few extra bucks selling them separately.

Corey…it appears to be a threaded steerer with a quill stem. that a Thomson seatpost? That would increase my bid by $40.

Zach $10,000. it's a Klein, not made anymore, so very collectible. And it's got collectible Scott Neon Lay down bars. Total bonus.
Tom you need to take it Iowa and have Mike and Frank at Antique Archaeology apraise it, it looks farm fresh so it it good pickens:)
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