The Packing Has Begun (photo inside of bike trailer)
(Sunday 6:02pm)
And off we go 6:02pm start (from last OVCX race Sunday in Indianapolis)
Corey pulled out with the e-brake on and then popped the hood rather than releasing the brake. Oops.
(Sunday 10:52pm)
Gonna see a lot of this tonight.
5 Hour Report: Gilson, IL - 245 miles. Avg Dist per hour: 49 miles.
Corey was at Kum & Go with Gregg
Confucious say: "To go fast, you must first go slow." Confucious had to have been pulling a trailer.

(Monday 6:49am)
I swear the same convenience store clerk is working the last three stations we have stopped at through Iowa and Nebraska.
Gregg: "There's no snow in Nebraska." Corey: The wind blew all the snow to Iowa.

15 Hour Report: I-80 Giltner, NE population 399. 853 Miles covered so far.
19 Hours in the car and the conversation and concern starts to turn to diet and the potential crop dusting impact.
Wyoming - Home of tough men, cold temps, wind and snow. Actually it's 48 degrees and sunny. Sensing a fraud.
(Monday 7:04pm)
Sixty miles until we cross the Continental Divide. 24 Hours and 1208 miles.
Corey: was at Applebees Neighborhood Bar & Grill in Rock Springs, WY
Gregg recieves quick education on the origination of Rocky Mountain Oysters, aka "Cowboy Caviar" or "Montana Tendergroins."
(Monday 10:12pm)
What Halfway looks like. Heading into the final night of the drive. 28 hours...1363 miles...162 gallons of gas.
Our CX Nat's Reporters are in Wyoming. What song should be stuck in their heads?
(Tuesday 1:08am)
"That was a courtesy! I did a pants shake and everything!"
Warning: Applebees's Cowboy Burger causes intense snoring.
3am, Twin Falls, ID = "Paradise?"
Everything he touches turns to broken. Gregg has now broken multiple devices owned by others.
(Tuesday 11am)
39 Hour Update: 1891 miles, 205 gallons and only 250 more miles to Bend. Only one more fill up required.
We have reached Oregon, and PST. Now to finish things off and get to Bend.
When in doubt follow the salt truck.
(Editor Note: as of 2:00pm Eastern Time, we have not heard a confirmation of arrival. Hopefully that salt truck didn't steer them the wrong way. How clever...a frickin' cliff hanger.)
Update- Text received - "Did you check the air in the spare tire (the trailer spare)?"...flat 195 miles out..." Hopefully our 3 heroes will re-surface soon.
Stay tuned...
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